(c) 1998 - 2002 by Radek Burget OK2JBG
3 LinPac controls
3.1 Keyboard
3.2 Entering commands
3.3 Initiating the connection
3.4 Receiving and sending files
3.5 Remote commands
3.6 Character encoding
3.7 Huffman compression
4 Variables
4.1 Special variables
5 Station database
5.1 The station.data file format
5.2 The 'Name' command
5.3 Using the database
6 About macros
6.1 Creating macros
6.2 Commands used in macros
6.3 Special system macros
8 Standard applications
8.1 File transfer protocols
8.2 Automatic password generation
8.2.1 Login passwords
8.2.2 Sysop and general use passwords
8.3 Utilities for mail exchange
8.4 Mail client
8.5 Logbook
10 Copying
Appendix A: List of LinPac commands
All functions described in this manual agree with the standard configuration that comes with the distribution package.
LinPac functions are based on the very simple interpreted language (actually it's not a language, it's something like the batch files in DOS). In the LinPac home directory there is the subdirectory 'macro', that contains all the scripts written in this language, let's call them macros. Each macro can be run in LinPac and it implements some action. The simplest case of the macro is normal text file, that is just printed to the screen (or sent to the peer) when executed. The language is described in chapter 6.
There is a macro called init.mac in the macro directory. This macro is executed each time LinPac is started and contains the commands to setup the callsigns and other settings. You can modify this file to change the initial configuration of LinPac.
You may also want to change following files:
ctext.mac - this file is executed when the peer connects and should
contain the greeting text
quit.mac - this is called when user enters the Quit command (end
of connection). It should print some farewell and disconnect.
info.mac - contains the information about your system
After this you should be able to make your first connection.
LinPac allows to make eight connections simultaneously. For each connection one channel is used. You can switch between channels by pressing the F1 - F8 keys. Each has its own QSO window, status line and the editor. The channel list and the monitor are common for all the channles.
There is a special channel invoked by presing F10. This channel has no QSO window and doesn't allow to make a connection. The text written is sent out immediately using UI frames (beacon).
F1 - F8 : switch to channel 1 - 8
F10 : switch to monitor
Alt-X : end of LinPac
QSO Window
PgUp, PgDn, ctrl-R, ctrl-V : scroll one page
up / down
ctrl-E, ctrl-X : scroll one line up / down
ctrl-B : skip to end of buffer
Cursor keys, Home, End, Backspace, Del
: text editing
ctrl-Y : delete current line
Enter : send current line
Some applications (e.g. mailer) can use the whole screen. On each channel can run only one such application at the same time. It's possible to switch to this application using Alt-<channel_number> (e.g. Alt-5) and switch back to terminal using F1 - F10.
:color red blue - calls the 'color' command with two arguments
- 'red' and 'blue'
:color 'light red' or
:color "light red" - calls the 'color' command with one argument
'light red'
Most of the command work on the currently selected channel. If you want to execute the command on some other channel, you can enter the number of the channel this way:
:connect@5 OK0PAB
In this case the 'connect' command is executed on channel 5.
The complete list of commands with descriptions is available in Appendix A.
:connect CALLSIGN
Replace the CALLSIGN with the real callsign of the station you want to connect. The command can be abbteviated to the first leter only. Example:
This command will initiate the connecting sequence to OK0PAB. For closing
the connection, you can use the :Disconnect command by entering
When your system has multiple radio ports, you can specify its name before the callsign like this:
:c 2:OK0PAB
This command will try to connect OK0PAB via port 2. When no port name is used, the default one is considered. At the begining the default port is the first port in the /etc/axports (your system AX.25 port configuration file). If you want to change the default port, just use the command :port.
:port 2
This will change the default port name to '2'. In some cases it is useful
to set another default port for some selected channels. For this the variable
CHN_PORT can be used (see chapter 4). When set,
the content of this variable overrides the default port selection for
the particular channel. For example, when you set the variable for channel
4 using
:set CHN_PORT@4 1
the port '1' will be used as the default one for the channel 4. For other
channels, the previously set default port will be used.
:Write <filename>
The incomming text will be saved until you stop the saving using
:Write off
For receiving the plain binary file corresponding command :WBin can be used. This way of transfering binary files is not recommended, use the autobin or yapp protocol instead.
There are following commands available for sending files:
:rprg <filename> - sends the file using the Autobin
:yput <filename> - sends the file using the YAPP
:rbin <filename> - sends the binary file (no protocol
- not recommended)
:read <filename> - semds the text file
The remote command must start with the // sequence. For example if some connected users sends you a text '//info' your terminal will send back the station information.
The remote commands can be disabled using the command :remote off and enabled by :remote on. You can also specify only some commands to be available for remote users. The default list of available remote commands is defined in the init.mac file (the DEF_RCMD line). There is also the posibility to enable various commands for each user. This is described in chapter 5.
All known encodings have to be defined in the file called encodings in the LinPac home directory. This file contains a single line for each encoding that specifies its alias (name which will identify the encoding in LinPac), encoding name (an official name such as iso-8859-1) and optionaly the name of the translation table file to be used (without the extension .ctt).
Current encoding can be switched using the :TRanslate command separately for each channel. To specify the default encoding for each user you can add the line
to the appropriate record in station database (station database is described in chapter 5). When no encoding is specified for the user, the default one is used. The default encoding alias is stored in the DEF_ENC@0 variable which is set in the macro init.mac.
When the conversion table is not specified in the encodings file LinPac only changes the name of currently used encoding but doesn't provide any conversion. However some applications (such as QLinPac which works in unicode) are able to do their own conversions.
The line compression in LinPac is activated using the :comp command. The compression is switched on using :comp on and switched off using :comp off. To ensure that the compression is activated or deactivated on both ends of the link simultaneously LinPac sends the remote command :comp 1 or :comp 0 to the other station automaticaly. The arguments 1 and 0 have the same effect as the on and off, but they don't cause sending any command to the other station.
In case that the remote system doesn't support the :comp command it's necessary to switch on the compression on the remote system manually and then use the:comp 1 command in LinPac.
:set <variable> <value> - sets the
value of the variable. If the variable doesn't exist, new one is created.
:get <variable> - prints the value of the variable
:unset <variable> - removes the variable
Some examples:
:set NAME John
:set WHOLE_NAME 'John Big'
:get NAME
:unset NAME
The name of the variable can contain the specification of the channel. For example the variable NAME@5 is the variable 'NAME' defined on channel 5.
When LinPac founds the character '%' followed by the name of variable, automaticaly replaces this text with the value of the variable. Considering previous example the text %NAME will be replaced with John.
%V - LinPac version (e.g. 0.02)
%C - The callsign of connected station
%N - The name of connected station (when known), else is replaced
by the contents of %U macro
%Y- Channel callsign (mycall)
%K- Current channel number
%T - Current time
%D - Current date
%B - Audible bell
%Z - Current time zone
%U - The text used when the name is unknown. This can contain
other macros (typicaly %C).
%P- The port number
%M- The number of connected users
%A- The time since the last operator activity
%_- End of line (CR)
%<- Contents of the last line received, this is cleared by
%#number - Replaced by a character with an ASCII value
<number> (e.g. %#27 means ESC)
%(command) - Replaced by the command result.
%[expression] - Replaced by the result of mathematical
Variables for use in macros only:
%R - the number of macro arguments (up to 9)
%0 - the name of the macro
%1 - %9 - macro arguments
For example try to write following text in the editor and press enter:
The time is %T and the date is %D.
The typical station information can look like this:
NAME=PC/FlexNet Brno
QRG=144.8125 MHz
There are no mandatory items, the user can add various items depending on what information he wants to store. Current LinPac distribution uses following item names for standard information:
NAME - Text information about the station, or the operator's name. LinPac shows this information when connected to that station. LOC - QRA locator of the station. Shown after connect too.
TYPE - The type of the station. For standard stations the types FLEXNET, THENET, FBB, BAYBOX, DIEBOX, TNOS, JNOS, DXC and TERM for user terminals are recomended, but you can add any other type.
LANG - The language to communicate with the station. This is currently supported by the macros only. When this item is set, LinPac will try to find the macro in the directory macro/<LANG>/.
NICKNAME - The nickname of operator.
The standard LinPac configuration also uses this item names:
TERM - What type of terminal is used. If 'ansi' is set,
LinPac switches to the ansi-color mode after connecting this station.
ENC - The character encoding. Used to automaticaly switch to the
i/o character conversion.
RCMD - The list of enabled remote commands for this station.
QRG - The user frequency. Used by the logbook.
SYSNUM and PWD - Sysop password for the station. See chapter
8.2 for more information.
<name> - modify the NAME item
-l <locator> - modify the LOC item
-t <type> - TYPE
-L <language> - LANG
-n <nickname> - NICKNAME
-s <item>=<value> - modify other item
The command 'Name -i' prints all information about the station. When you need to change the information about other than connected station add the argument -c <callsign>.
:Name John
:Name -c OK2JBG -l JN89HF Radek
:Name -i
a) Text macros
This way is suitable for commands which are intended to produce a larger
text output (for example station information). When executing this macro,
each line that doesn't start with ':' is printed (sent out). All commands
must start with the colon. This is suitable for modifying the text output
using the IF ~ ELSE ~ ENDIF commands or for including some other commands.
b) Command macros
A command macro must start with the line
:MACRO <name>
Each line of a command macro is interpreted as a command (doesn't start
with the colon and doesn't need to start at the begining of line). The text
output is provided by the 'echo' command. This way is more synoptical and
allows including the comments that must start with the sequence ';;'
and end with the end of line.
The macro is called with its name. When the first arguments starts with the '@' symbol the macro is executed from the specified label. For example the command :convers @SEND will execute the macro 'convers.mac' from the label 'SEND' (see next chapter to see how to define the label).
MACRO [name]
Start of the command script definition (see previous section).
LABEL <label_name>
Creates a label with specified name. In the command scripts the notation
:<label_name> can be used.
GOTO <label_name>
Jump to specified label.
Conditional commands. There are two ways to specify a condition:
IF <condition>
(commands to be done when the codition is true)
(commands to be done when the condition is false)
The ELSE part is not necessary - the IF ~ ENDIF notation is possible.
IF (<condition>) command
The parentheses are necessary in this case.
a) The solution using the text macro (the comments are actually not allowed in the text macros, they are here for explanation only)
:if %(exist STN_NICKNAME) == 1 ;; when NICKNAME is defined
;; greet with the nickname
;; else (not defined)
Hello %N !
;; greet with the name
;;(following commands are always executed)
You have connected to %Y at %T. ;; Say your callsign and current time
b) The solution using the command macro
:macro GREETING ;; start the command macro
if %(exist STN_NICKNAME) == 1 ;; when NICKNAME is defined
echo Hello %STN_NICKNAME ;; greet with the
;; else (not defined)
echo Hello %N !
;; greet with the name
;; (following commands are always executed)
echo You have connected to %Y at %T. ;; Say your callsign and current
init.mac - This is executed when LinPac is started and its function is to set the callsigns, screen options, and some other parametres.
cinit.mac - This is executed always when some connection establishes. The distribution version of this macro sets the channel parametres in order to station settings in station database (allowed remote commands, i/o encoding, terminal type) and executes the logbook command to sign a start of connection. LinPac always passes two arguments to this macro. The first (%1) argument is the callsign of connected station and the second (%2) argument is the callsign of the previously connected station that provides the connection or it's empty in case of direct connection.
ctext.mac - This macro is executed when some station connects to the terminal. It should print some greeting text. No arguments are passed.
cexit.mac - This is executed always when some connection closes. The distribution version of this macro just executes the logbook command to sign the end of the connection and clears the list of allowed remote commands. There is always one argument passed by LinPac (%1) and contains the callsign of the disconnected station.
A - Ascii mode program. LinPac provide the CR <-> LF conversion
when communicating with this program. This is the default setting.
B - Binary mode. Disables the conversions.
C - Leaves the stdout stream of the program on the console and reads its
stderr stream instead.
D - DOS conversion - ignore LF characters.
S - Reads both stdin and stderr streams of the program (shell mode).
L - Local. This program is never available as the remote command.
R - This program is always run as the remote command (its messages are
always sent out).
P - LinPac removes the paths from filenames that are passed as the argument
of this command when the FIXPATH command is on. This is the security option.
LinPac can also automaticaly save incomming 7+ files. After saving all parts of file LinPac tries to call the '7plus' program to decode the file. Received 7+ files are not removed automaticaly.
TYPE=<station_type> (FBB, BAYBOX or TNOS)
BBS_prompt is the text which the BBS sends when requesting the authorization. Usually it looks like 'Password>' or 'OK0XYZ>'.
PWD=<your_password> or
Known station types are:
When no value is set, MD2 algorithm is used.
After connecting to the station you want authorize to the authorization sequence begins with the :PW command. LinPac will send the authorization command to the station and tries to answer the authorization request using your password. If the password is correct, authorization should finish succesfuly.
The PW command accepts following parametres:
:PW [<command> [<system> [<password>]]]
<command> is the command to be send to the remote
station to start authorization sequence (sys by default)
<system> is one of the above-mentioned supported
systems, this system is used instead of the one specified in station database
<password> is the password that will be used instead
of the one specified in the station database
It's recommended to create simple macros for frequently used authorizations thad require special arguments to PW command.
HOME_BBS - The AX.25 path to the home BBS including the port name.
For example kiss:OK0PAB OK0NMA is the BBS OK0PAB which
can be connected on port kiss via the node OK0NMA.
HOME_ADDR - The full hierarchical address of the BBS. For example
For setting the variable the :SET command can be used. For example:
:set HOME_BBS@0 "kiss:OK0PAB OK0NMA"
The reccomended place to set this variables is the startup macro init.mac. The default version of this macro contains an example of setting this variables. After setting this variables following commands are available:
:GETMSG <message_number> [<message_number>
Reads specified messages from the BBS and stores them into /var/ax25/mail/<BBS_callsign>/<message_number>.
The directory for the BBS must be created before using this command (use
capital letters for the BBS callsgin). When the message number starts with
the letter 'p', the message is considered as a personal one and it's
killed automaticaly after download. You can specify the kill command by setting
the KILLPERS variable in channel 0 using the # character for
the number of message (e.g. :set KILLPERS@0 "kill #"). When this
variable is not set, the default command K # is used.
:SP <address> or :SB <address>
This commands can be used for creating new private message or the bulletin.
The usage is the same as at the FBB BBS.
Transfers all new messages to the BBS.
:DELMSG <message_number>
Marks the message for delete.
Deletes all marked messages.
-s : disable ax25spyd. Linpac normaly tries to connect ax25spyd to get monitor data and when the connection fails, the listen utility is used instead. When -s swicth is used, LinPac doesn't try to connect ax25spyd at all.
-d : daemon mode. LinPac doesn't initialize the screen and runs in the background.
-p <string> : specify the arguments for the listen program. Default value is ar8.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details (contained in file 'license').
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
ABort [address]
Cancels an action. Some commands are cancelled without specifying any address
(e.g. autobin). Addresses for some commands:
autobin RX/TX | autobin (or none) |
yapp RX/TX | yapp (or none) |
7plus autosave | 7plus (or none) |
read / RBin | read (or none) |
write / WBin | write (or none) |
forward | forward (mandatory) |
The most of other commands doesn't need any address.
COMPress [on | off | 1 | 0]
Switches the link compression on or off. The arguments 1 and 0 have the
some meaning as on or off but the remote station is not synchronized.
Connect [port:]call [digi [digi...]]
Initiates a connection to specified station.
Disconnect actual channel.
Echo <text>
Prints (sends) specified text.
Flush an output buffer. (for example in scripts before disconnect or before
requestig input)
End of LinPac, cancels all connections.
UNproto <text>
Send specified text in an UI frame.
Version information.
b) Commands for variables handling
SET <variable> <value>
Assign a value to the variable. If the variable doesn't exist, it is created.
UNSET <variable>
Removes the variable.
GET <variable>
Returns the value of the variable. Usually is better to use macro %variable
(see file macros.txt)
EXISTs <variable>
Rerurns 1 when variable exists, 0 when it doesn't exist.
c) information commands
Displays the actual information about the variable environment.
Returns "1" when the channel is connected, "0" otherwise.
Returns number of LinPac channels (typically 8).
Returns the physical callsign of the connected station (first station connected)
Returns actual UTC time (operating system value).
d) setup commands
CBell [on|off]
When on then LinPac gives an audio signal when any station connects or
FIXPath [on|off]
When FIXPath=ON then then the paths to files mentioned in parametres are
ignored for external commands marked with a P flag. That means only the
default paths are usable.
INFOLEvel [0 | 1 | 2]
Sets the mode of information line:
0 - off (no connection info)
1 - show importatnt informations
2 - show all available informations
KNax [on|off]
Enable/disable sound signal when data is received.
Language [language]
Sets actual languge. At the time supported in scripts only.
LIsten [on|off]
When listen is off, all connect requests are ignored by LinPac. Default
value is on.
MBIN [on|off]
When switched on, the monitor shows binary data. When switched off, the
binary data is hidden and replaced with the <Binary data> information.
MONitor [on|off]
Enable/disable monitor function. This command is usually followed by STATLINE
and CHNLINE commands to adjust the screen layout.
MONPort <port_specification>
Monitor selected port only. Port specification is either a port name
(as defined in /etc/ax25/axports) or * for monitoring all the ports.
MYcall <call>
Changes the channel callsign.
Port <port_name>
Sets the default port for the Connect command. This can be overriden for
particular channels by setting the CHN_PORT variable for the channel
(see chapter 3.3).
PRIVate [on|off]
Marks the channel as private. No stations are allowed to connect on this
RCMD [<command list>]
Specifies the list of the available external commands. Only the commands
from this list are available to remote user. It's possible to include abbreviated
commands. The remote commands can be executed on the channel which provides
the connection only. Adding the @ character just after the command name in
the list (e.g. GET@) means that the remote user is allowed to specify the
channel, where the command should be executed (e.g. //GET@5 NAME).
REMote [on|off]
Enables or disables remote commands.
RXFlow [on|off]
Enables or disables data RX. The data is received only when RXFlow
is enabled on all channels.
TIMEZone [zone]
Set the time zone. Used for information only, doesn't affect time.
UNSrc [call]
The source callsign for UI frames.
UNDest [call]
The destination address for UI frames.
WAtch <port | 0> <pattern> <command/text>
Starts to watch specified port (0 for all ports). When specified pattern
is received then specified command is executed or text is sent. (commands
must start with a colon)
e) Screen control commands
Places the status line to the n-th line of the screen.
Places the channel line to the n-th line of the screen.
Replaces the editor window with the QSO window and vice versa.
INFOLine <nm> <text>
Changes the specified info line text. If info line doesn't exist, it's
Removes specified info line.
TRanslate <alias>
Switches I/O character translation (see chapter 3.6).
Running this command on channel 0 (unproto channel) switches the translation
table in all channels including unproto channel and monitor window.
TErm <type>
Set the terminal type. If 'ansi' is entered then ANSI-color control sequences
are interpreted.
SCRLimit <low-limit> <high-limit>
When the size of the window buffer exceeds the high limit, then the size
of buffer is truncated to low-limit. The values are in bytes, default is
356352 and 524288 (384 and 512 kB).
DEFColor <color_name> <foreground_color> <background_color>
Changes the color of some part of screen. The color_name parameter specifies
which part of screen to change. Following values can be used:
QSO_RX - received text in QSO window
QSO_TX - sent text in QSO window
QSO_INFO - local information in QSO window
QSO_CTRL - control characters in QSO window
ED_TEXT - normal text in editor
ED_INFO - command results in editor
ED_CTRL - control characters in editor
CI_NORM - channel info line - channel numbers
CI_SLCT - selected channel
CI_NCHN - normal channel
CI_PRVT - private channel
IL_TEXT - status lines
For specifying foreground and background colors these values can be used:
These additional colors can be used for foreground only:
f) system commands
RESULT <text>
Returns the text as the result of the script.
g) string commands
STRMid <start> <length> <string>
Returns the substring starting at <start> position and <length>
characters long.
STRLeft <length> <string>
Returns the left substring of specified length.
STRRight <length> <string>
Returns the right substring of specified length.
STRLen <string>
Returns the length of the string.
STRPos <substring> <string>
Returns the position of the substring in the string or -1 when the string
doesn't contain the substring.
UPCASE <string>
Returns the string converted into capital letters.
Compose [p|b] <address> [<subject>] [<filename>]
Create a private message or a bulletin for the specified address. When
no subject is specified, the user is prompted for the subject. When filename
is specified, the message is created from the file, otherwise the text is
read from the LinPac console.
CATCH -iol <pattern> <command/text>
Catch is the extended version of WAtch command. It scans one or
more data streams (-i = input stream, -o = output stream, -l = local info
stream) for the pattern. The pattern can contain * and ? wildcards.
The command can contain string $1 .. $n which are replaced
with the string corresponding to the n-th wildcard in the pattern. The $0
string is replaced with the whole string that matches the pattern. See catch
-h for extended parametres.
DELMSG <message_number>
Mark the message for delete.
Transmits all new messages to a BBS.
GETMsg <numers>
Reads the messages from BBS.
JOIN <channel_number>
Join specified channel to current channel. All data received on any of
these channels is automatically redirected to the other channel. Stop with
:ABort join.
Simple full-screen mail client.
List of heard stations.
Stores station name or changes a station database. (see Name -h)
Deletes all messages marked for delete.
Read <filename>
Sends specified text file.
RPRg <filename>
Transmits the file using Autobin protocol.
Measures the round trip time.
SENDFile [p|b] <file> <address> [<num_messages>]
This command takes a binary file, splits the file to num_messages
parts using 7plus and creates a separate message for each part. When
num_messages is not specified, the command tries to use
the variable BLOCK7P@0 which should contain the maximal size of
one block. If this variable is not set, blocks of 5 kB are created.
WBin / RBin
The same as Read / Write, but for binary files.
Write <filename>
Starts to write received text to the file.
YPUT <filename>
Transmits the file using the YAPP protocol.
Enter the conference.
Local station information.
Brief help.
PW [<command> [<system> [<password>] ] ]
Starts the authorization to the BBS or the node. See chapter 8.2.2 .
Sends the quit text and disconnects.
Users / CStatus
List of connected users.
LABEL <label_name>
Creates a label with specified name. In the command scripts the notation
:<label_name> can be used.
GOTO <label_name>
Jump to specified label.
Conditional commands. There are two ways to specify a condition:
IF <condition>
(commands to be done when the codition is true)
(commands to be done when the condition is false)
The ELSE part is not necessary - the IF ~ ENDIF notation is possible.
abreviated notation (for one conditional command)
IF (<condition>) command
The parentheses are necessary in this case.
SLEEP <seconds>
Pause the macro for specified time in seconds.
WAITFOR <condition>
Pause the macro until the condition is true.